
At The Pro Clinic we provide various types of massage services to suit your individual needs. What constitutes a great massage is individual to everyone. We first assess and analyse you to ensure your massage is tailored to you allowing us to provide the right pressure, technique and style to match your individual needs.


The massages we offer are moderate to firm in nature and are applied with objectives in mind such as releasing tight muscle tissue or fascial release.

If you need to be assessed to determine the nature of your discomfort it is always sensible to seek a physiotherapist appointment first after which you may be referred and recommendations to the masseuse will be made accordingly.


Some signs that you may require a physiotherapist include:


  1. You are experiencing pain or discomfort following a fall/accident/sporting incident
  2. You are experiencing muscle pain that is making it challenging to move your limbs
  3. Nerve pain – burning, numbness, pins and needles
  4. Your joint is feeling unstable


If you do not have any of the above or are unsure we will do our best to guide you appropriately to ensure you experience an optimal recovery.



This style of massage can be used to treat a range of conditions such as neck, lower back pain and sciatica. Massage strokes will be alternated with trigger point, sustained deep pressure, and treatment techniques. It is one of the most effective ways to reduce the tension in your muscles and help you to move better.




This style of massage is ideal for any sportsperson – whether you are in pain or just feeling tight. It can help improve your performance and improve recovery times. We have extensive experience in keeping you ready to train and compete.